Turbo’d Industries Lighting Team Outline
1. Send a pic of your vehicle to post on the page. Preferably featuring our product/products that you are running. If you can take a pic of our logo sticker on the vehicle as well so I can add it in. We will repost either on our story or timeline all your other posts as well just make sure to tag us. Also anytime you get a good photo or video please send it to us.
2. $10 store credit for every $100 spent from someone you sent. Tell them to mention your name in the "How did you hear about us?" section on checkout of the website or if they go through me directly mention that you sent them. (Maxed at $50 per transaction)
3. Discounts on items for all team members. Theres no set % but it will be roughly 10-15%. Let me know what you’re interested in and It will definitely be below retail. (Items bought with store credit will be retail value)
4. Discounts for friend and family. Let me know if you have someone close to you looking at anything and I can give them a discount as well. Wont be as significant as members but they will definitely save! (F&F purchases with the discount wont count towards store credit.)
5. When you go to events promote the brand and send people to the website or social media pages as much as you can. Tell them to mention you if they plan to buy anything. Im not saying force it but if people ask for any good rock lights/ wheel lights/ grille lights/ accessories/ diesel performance parts or anything of that nature send them our way.
6. If you know anyone else that may want to join the team recruit them and tell them to submit an application on the website. Right now we’re in the growing faze so always looking for new people.
7. I want our group to be as helpful as possible. If you all have any questions about lift, rims, tires, powder coat, etc don't be afraid to ask opinions or share your opinion. Hopefully we wont have any problems but be respectful and no drama please.
If you have any other questions or anything let me know.
Thanks for joining, cant wait to start working together!