Join the Turbo'd Industries Lighting Team today!
Join a team of helpful enthusiasts also wanting to add quality lighting to their trucks and giving helpful ideas. Lighting up the night one truck at a time!
Enjoy special discounts only for team members.
Earn money to spend in the store with every referral.
Friends and Family discounts.
Repost all member posts.
Team group chat.
Must be running one of our products or planning to make a purchase.
Add our logo sticker to your truck.
Tag us in social media posts.
Promote the brand at shows and events.
How to Join!
Send us an email support@turbodindustries.com with the following information:
First and last name
Social media @ (Please specify platform)
City and state
Why you want to be apart of the team
Shows you attend
Tell us about your vehicle
Attach an image of your vehicle
Thanks for your submission!